MAILmeART. Arte por correo. Intervención de sobre con rotulador y montage.
Texto de Nuria gil. 2008

Why did you choose to take part in the mail Me Art project?
I like projects that play with the media in wich they are spread.
They give an interesting starting point as containers that speak in theirselves.
What was the inspiration for your submission?
Did your submission reflect your usual style of work? If not, why did you decide to do things differently?
Yes, it does, because it links conceptual art and spontaneous art.
Were you worried that your work may be stolen while in transit?
A little bit.
Have you ever sent mail art prior to taking part in this project?
Yes, as an individual iniciative… I used to make some drawings on my letters.
If you had the option to receive mail art from any artist... Or illustrator, living or deceased, who would it be?
It is not easy to choose... there are such good artists, maybe
--> or
What would be contained inside your perfect parcel?
One half of common sense and one half of madness.

Leícestershire - United Kingdom, 2008

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